Peace and Stability: Programme Design and Management in the Sahel

Africa’s Sahel region has faced many challenges in the recent years, although the various crises have been overshadowed by situations in Libya and the Middle East. Denmark’s engagement in the region has been longstanding, with recent years including a Peace and Stabilisation Program, focused on Mali, Burkina Faso and Niger. Seefar has been supporting Denmark to update the Peace and Stability program design and management in the Sahel, as a response to a fast-changing environment.

Some of the activities supported by Danida’s programme include; support to enhanced rule of rule and border management by local law enforcement authorities, combat transnational organized crime by encouraging the local – national partnerships, and involving pastoral groups in decision making to create better social inclusion. The overarching aim of the programme is to create conducive enviroment for regional cooperation that supports national initiatives to achieve long term sustainable development and security objectives.

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