When it comes to improving productivity, we are ruthless. We focus on completing the most important steps to advance our objectives and we experiment to find the most efficient methods to complete those steps. We actively share best practice and new methods among ourselves.
We encourage each other to take smart risks. It’s how we make progress on problems that seem intractable to others. If we do make mistakes while taking smart risks, we always use them as an opportunity to learn.
To learn faster, we make sure to give and receive constructive feedback. We use this to identify excellent as well as substandard performance, helping us all to improve.
We approach all our work with humility. That means genuinely listening to others and keeping an open mindset when collaborating.
Social purpose drives everything we do. It’s our fundamental aim, underpinning how we invest in our people and how we strategise. All our values are ultimately designed to promote social purpose by helping us deliver the highest quality of services for the people who use them.
Grit is what gets us through when things are challenging. The social outcomes we aim for often involve a high chance of error and failure — grit helps us fail faster and find better solutions.
Higher productivity and smarter risk-taking requires constant learning. That’s why we’re always experimenting, reflecting and sharing ideas. Learning also means trying different approaches to get the best result and deeply understanding how gender and other forms of identity affect people and programmes. It’s part of stretching ourselves individually and as a team.