Promoting success in education and work

We help people in vulnerable situations to overcome barriers that hinder their ability to succeed in education and employment. By addressing psychological, social, and practical challenges upfront, we prepare individuals to engage in training and employment opportunities. The result is higher long-term success and positive contributions to their communities.

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A Roadmap to Replicability: How to create, sustain, and scale an ethical recruitment agency
When Seefar launched its ethical recruitment pilot project in 2020, there was little guidance available on how to run a.....
LIFT: reimagining livelihood interventions for survivors of CSE and trafficking in India
There is an increasing need to deviate from traditional livelihood projects and to employ livelihood approaches tailored to the specific.....
Exploring migrants’ trust in humanitarian organisations
Seefar’s past research as part of the IMREF consortium has shown that a lack of trust in humanitarian organisations affects.....
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