Request for Quotes

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Talent Partnership Countries (TPCs) Research and Liaison


We are recruiting up to three consultants to deliver research and government liaison services in Bangladesh, Morocco, and Pakistan. 


Seefar Foundation is a non-profit specialising in migration. We are implementing a project called Scaling Up STEM Talent from Africa in Europe (SUSTAIN). The project is funded by the European Union through a fund called the Migration Partnership Facility. It started in September 2024 and will run until May 2027.

The purpose of SUSTAIN is to help:

  • Small, medium, and large businesses in Ireland and Germany to fill gaps in their workforce.
  • Nigeria to maximise the benefit of its talent. 
  • Nigerians to access a new pathway to gainful employment.
  • EU to identify a recruitment model that can be replicated in Talent Partnership Countries

The project will involve Talent Partnership Countries in every stage of the design, implementation, and evaluation. To ensure we build strong relationships based on the best possible understanding of the labour migration context in each one, we are looking for expert consultants to deliver on a Research and Engagement assignment. 

We are recruiting up to three consultants, one each in Bangladesh, Morocco, and Pakistan. Note that we will engage a consultant in Egypt too, but this recruitment is complete.


We are inviting applications to conduct a research and engagement exercise. The anticipated level of effort is approximately 25 working days from 22nd January – 31st August 2025. Table 1 shows how you’ll spend your time, though this is subject to small changes.

Table 1. Deliverables and invoice schedule

Initial training and start-up.1 day
Scoping report with revisions. Consultants are expected to conduct at least 5 informal interviews as part of this process.6 daysSend first invoice
Support for “engagement” aspects, which include setting up and attending meetings with government counterparts, training providers, and private recruitment agents.5 daysSend second invoice
Participation in ad-hoc meetings and online events, to be determined.2 days
Final report with revisions. Consultants are expected to conduct at least 10 informal interviews as part of this process.11 daysSend third invoice

Eligibility Check

Please only send your quote if you meet all of the following criteria: 

  • Based in Bangladesh, Morocco, or Pakistan.
  • Master’s degree or higher.
  • Proven ability to secure high-level meetings with government officials.
  • Understanding of skilled labour migration or proven ability to learn quickly.
  • Fluent English, written and spoken. 
  • Fluency in the official language/language most commonly used in government. 
  • Able to access a fast internet connection. 
  • Permission to work in the countries in question. 
  • Ability to take part in meetings during working hours (evenings/weekends not sufficient). 


Send your application to [email protected] by 27th January 2025. You will need to include: 

  • CV and/or link to a detailed online profile, such as Linkedin. It should include a link to an example of your sole-authored writing in English. Alternatively, you may attach a sample to the email.
  • Cover letter of no more than two pages, in PDF. It should include your best possible rate in USD, on the following basis: (a) per day; and (b) lump sum for 25 days of work covering the scope described. 
  • Details of one referee. Please provide details of someone we may contact immediately. 

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