Tag: Middle East and North Africa

LIFT: Livelihoods Initiative for Transformation
LIFT provides financially attractive livelihoods to vulnerable or marginalised groups in developing countries through access to the booming global freelance.....
Refugee Integration in Europe: Life and other Plans among Iranian Irregular Migrants Settling in Europe
For more than four years, we have been interviewing a panel of Iranians planning and executing irregular migration. Our latest.....
Supporting the choices of irregular child migrants
European Union cooperation with Turkey and Libya and the family separation crisis in the United States show global failures in.....
Who is Generous to Refugees?
What does it mean for a country to be ‘generous’ to refugees? The term "generous" is frequently used in discussions.....
Migrant decision making in Iraqi Kurdistan
Seefar built on its work with Iraqi Kurds by recently completing a mixed-methods research project in Iraq and Greece focussed.....
Return, Stay, or Migrate? Understanding the Aspirations of Syrian Refugees in Turkey
The Syrian conflict has displaced millions and continues to be one of the world’s most urgent humanitarian emergencies. By the.....
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