Tag: Displaced people

Measuring International Migration: The Real Picture of Forced Displacement
In recent years we have heard that displacement has reached historic and unprecedented levels – it has been common to.....
Migrant destination decision making
In July 2016, Seefar conducted a survey of migrants who had recently settled in European countries to determine if migrants.....
Iranian Refugees: Irregular Migration to the UK
This working paper, Iranian Refugees: An Exploration of Irregular Migration to the UK, utilizes data collected from a series of interviews to.....
Iranian Refugees: Irregular Migration to Australia
This working paper, Iranian Refugees: An Exploration of Irregular Migration to Australia, is based on two sets of data. The first.....
What Happens Before Migrants Get on Boats to Europe?
Good migration policy for destination countries certainly requires an understanding of domestic needs, but it also depends on the harder.....
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