Tag: Eastern Asia

Recommendations from the US Trafficking in Persons Report – What’s the point?
In the ecosystem of international efforts against human trafficking and modern slavery, there is a plague of recommendations. Some are.....
What Next for Trafficking and Slavery Communications Campaigns in Vietnam?
The Government of Vietnam, Vietnamese civil society, and donors to Vietnam have tried a lot of different approaches to communications campaigns on human.....
Center for International Legal Cooperation Midterm Evaluation
Earlier in 2017, Seefar was entrusted by the Center for International Legal Cooperation (CILC) and their implementing partner, the Jakarta Centre for Law Enforcement Cooperation (JCLEC), to evaluate.....
Transnational crime and security in Southeast Asia
Economic globalisation has led to growth in trade across borders, but also an increase in organized criminal activity. In Southeast.....
Trafficking in Persons in Southeast Asia : Analysis of data from the US Trafficking in Persons Report
buse of low-skilled migrants and human trafficking is a global problem. At Seefar, we are keen to help prevent people.....
Data crunching: the story behind economic indicators and enrolment rates in Indonesia
In Indonesia, Seefar is interested in promoting social equality and mobility among disadvantaged and marginalized groups. The first step to.....
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