Tag: Eastern Asia

Helping low-skilled migrant workers benefit more from their employment
For us, low-skilled labour migration is a great opportunity to improve life for poor people. However, the markets for this.....
Towards a drug control policy for Myanmar
The Myanmar Government is undertaking measures to tackle the production, trafficking and use of illicit drugs occurring across the country......
Helping migrant domestic workers in Indonesia benefit more from their Employment
For Seefar, designing programs around low-skilled labour migration is a great opportunity to improve life for poor people. We are working with first time.....
Tracking social inclusion Results
Socially excluded groups in Indonesia, such as transgender people and children with disabilities, don’t have the same opportunities as other.....
Research on security and justice among religious minorities in Indonesia
The Indonesian constitution provides freedom of religion for 6 officially recognized religions. East Asia has traditionally had a high level of tolerance.....
Large Scale Research on Modern Slavery in East Asia
Seefar is conducting innovative modern slavery research in four countries to measure the prevalence of indicators among migrant domestic workers......
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