Tag: Research and surveys

Irregular Migration from Iran to the European Union
Seefar carried out over 250 surveys and interviews with Iranians considering migrating to Western destinations. This research resulted in two.....
Going West: Where’s the Evidence behind EU Policy on Illegal Migration?
As domestic solutions falter, the migration and Syrian refugee crisis has been propelled to the top of the European Union foreign.....
Research on security and justice among religious minorities in Indonesia
The Indonesian constitution provides freedom of religion for 6 officially recognized religions. East Asia has traditionally had a high level of tolerance.....
Iranian Refugees: Irregular Migration to the UK
This working paper, Iranian Refugees: An Exploration of Irregular Migration to the UK, utilizes data collected from a series of interviews to.....
Large Scale Research on Modern Slavery in East Asia
Seefar is conducting innovative modern slavery research in four countries to measure the prevalence of indicators among migrant domestic workers......
Innovative Research on Migrant Smuggling to Europe
In response to the migrant smuggling crisis in the Mediterranean, the Migration Policy Institute asked Seefar to contribute experience and insights into.....
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