Tag: Research and surveys

Research in tough environments: North Africa
The situation for migrants in Libya is dangerous, and the many migrants interviewed as part of our research tell us that staying there for an extended.....
Iranian Refugees: Irregular Migration to Australia
This working paper, Iranian Refugees: An Exploration of Irregular Migration to Australia, is based on two sets of data. The first.....
Immigration and Welfare States: Migrants as Welfare Providers in Belgium
This brief is inspired by sustained attention to the idea that some migration occurs because migrants benefit from the welfare state without.....
Migration Research: Modern Slavery in Southeast Asia
Seefar is conducting quantitative research in East Asia to understand and reduce the prevalence and impact of modern slavery among migrant domestic workers,.....
Diaspora Engagement in Development – the Role of Refugees
In the literature and policy-making on migration and development, migrants are increasingly recognized as transnational actors who can make contributions to their.....
6 Ideas for Interpreting Drug Seizure Data
A perennial challenge when analyzing drug trafficking is that the most common reliable data comes from ventures that have failed,.....
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